ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Veriforce®, Compliance
Our Customized Compliance Process is designed for small businesses just starting with ISNetworld®, Avetta®, or Veriforce®.
on-site and online Training
We make it easy for you to meet training and compliance requirements with scheduled on-site and online training.
Workplace Compliance Inspections
Through site inspections, we help gain further understanding of jobs and tasks and identifies existing and potential hazards.
Employee Exposure Monitoring
We can help assess whether a risk of exposure to hazardous substances is present.
on-site training services
We make it easy for you to meet training and compliance requirements with scheduled on-site training. Our expert consultants come to your location with convenient, effective training in a broad range of Safety and Health related subjects, so you can remain compliant with changing regulations.
Call 432-520-8825 to get started today.
general & Personnel safety
General Safety and Health Programs
General Safety Rules
Basic Safety Orientation
Access to Medical Records
Accident Investigations
Adverse Weather Policy
Behavior-Based Safety Program
Driving Safety Program
Emergency Response Plan
Fatigue Management Program
Fit for Duty Policy
Hearing Conservation Program
Job Competency Program
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Program
Journey Management Plan
Management of Change
Manual Material Handling, Back Injury Prevention
Preventative Maintenance Program
Process Safety Management Program
Return To Work Program
Safe Work Permit Program
Short Service Employee Program
Subcontractor Management Program
Working Alone – Policies for Employees
sector-specific safety
Abrasive Blasting Safety Program
Accident Investigations
Aerial Lifts Safety Program
Confined Space Entry
Cranes, Rigging, Material Handling
Electrical Safe Work Practices
Environmental Protection and Waste Management
Excavations, Trenching, Shoring Safety Program
Fleet Safety Program
Forklift Operator Program
Gas Hazards Exposure Control Program
Hand And Power Tool Program
Hot Work Permit Program
Lock Out/Tag Out Program
Mobile Equipment Safety Program
NORM Safety Program
NFPA 70 e – Arc Flash Protection
Rigging, Materials Handling
Scaffolding Program
Stop Work Authority Program
Vacuum Truck Operations Program
Welding/Cutting Safety Program
chemicaL & Hazard safety
Asbestos Awareness
Asbestos Compliance Program
Benzene Awareness
Bloodborne Pathogen Protection
Butadiene Awareness
Cadmium Safety Program
Fall Protection Program
Fire Prevention Plan
Hazard Communication Program
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response ( HAZWOPER)
Heat Illness Prevention Program
Hexavalent Chromium Safety Program
Hydrogen Sulfide Safety Program
Inert Space Entry Program
Ionizing Radiation Safety Program
Ladder Safety Program
Lead Awareness
Lead Safety Program
Medical Services and First Aid
Nitrogen Awareness
Personal Protective Equipment Program
Respiratory Protection Program
Silica Exposure Control Program
Spill Prevention and Response Program
worksite compliance inspection
Why are workplace inspections important?
Regular worksite inspections are an important part of your business’ overall health and safety policy. Worksite inspections are essential as they allow you to listen to the concerns of your workers and supervisors.
Through site inspections, Western Consulting Associates helps gain further understanding of jobs and tasks and identifies existing and potential hazards.
The underlying causes are determined and cost-effective corrective actions are recommended in the form of personal protective equipment, engineering controls, policies and procedures.
employee exposure monitoring
In almost every workplace there is a potential for employee exposure to toxic or hazardous substances. Employee Exposure Monitoring can help assess whether a risk of exposure to hazardous substances is present.
With this type of monitoring, Western Consulting Associates performs a site inspection and interviews with on-site employees.
testing & solutions
Using direct-reading instruments as well as full-shift or task-specific personal exposure sampling, real-time measurement of chemical and physical agents is conducted. Sampling results are compared to OSHA, ACGIH or NIOSH standards to verify that the presence of hazardous materials is kept within safe limits.
If excess levels are found, we can help identify engineering controls to reduce exposure, or identify appropriate personal protect equipment if exposure to excessive levels cannot be prevented.
Noise Levels
Many workplaces also experience noise levels that may exceed OSHA guidelines. Using direct-reading as well as full-shift personal exposure sampling instruments, a complete survey of noise levels is conducted.
Sampling results are compared to OSHA, ACGIH, or NIOSH standards to verify that noise levels remain within published safe limits.
If noise levels exceed these limits, we can help identify engineering controls and appropriate personal protective equipment to reduce employee exposure to a level within safe limits.